Neighbourhood Development Plan Steps

1. May to July 2021

Belchford & Fulletby Parish Council vote at a meeting in favour of developing a Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) and contact East Lindsey District Council to formally designate the area in which the NDP will operate.

An NDP Steering Group is formed, which investigated how social and environmental benefits should be considered in any future development within the designated area.


2. July to September 2021

The Steering Group create a questionnaire to issue to every household to begin consultation.  Questions cover topical subjects so that parishioners’ views may be better understood.


3. September to November 2021

The first questionnaire responses are analysed and collated to give evidence, direction and focus for further consultation and to ensure that the NDP reflects community concerns. 

NDP website is commissioned – this will support the consultation process by providing a repository of information and feedback functionality.


4. November 2021

The Steering Group updates the Parish Council and thoughts and questions are invited from the public.  The Steering Group develop a concept/vision and draft policy and planning objectives, linked to the Local Plan  and National Policy Framework.


5. December 2021

A second survey is created to ask specific questions on NDP policy concepts.  The outcome will be used to guide and write final policies in the NDP.

A public meeting is to be held so that parishioners can scrutinise the draft vision and policy and planning objectives and offer feedback.  The Steering Group liaises with planning professionals and Locality Technical Support Team.


6. January 2022

An extended Public Forum to update the NDP progress is to be held at January’s bimonthly Parish Council meeting.

A second questionnaire reflecting the consultation so far, and feedback received is issued to every household and business.  The Steering group refines the policies and objectives of the NDP.


7. February 2022

Initial Draft NDP produced.  Consultation continues with stakeholders and the community via NDP website.


8. March 2022

A public meeting is to be held where parishioners will be presented with the draft policies. Attendees will be encouraged to comment on policies.


9. April 2022

A third survey is specifically designed to address issues important to village business and to stakeholder groups including East Lindsey District Council and the Lincolnshire Wolds Countryside Service. 


10. June 2022

A report on Survey two will be issued.


11. July 2022

The third Survey will be closed. 

The draft NDP goes out for review to the Neighbourhood Planning Diagnostics Consultant.


12. August 2022

The business and Stakeholder review report is released.

The Neighbourhood Planning Diagnostics Consultant is to return the draft NDP with comments.

Heritage Lincolnshire visits the parishes for local listing discussion.

Get In Touch!

Feel free to use the contact form below if you have any questions about the project.